This picture was taken right after my surgery. You cannot see all
the tubes but I will explain them to you. The tube in my nose is called a N.G tube also known as a Nasogastric will be
attached to to prevent bloating or nausea. The nasogastric tube is inserted into the nasal passage it can be a bit annoying
but just think it will be out soon. You will also have a oxygen tube inserted under the nose area that will provide you
with all the HO you need. You will have an Intravenous in your hand or arm area
that will provide you with all the fluid you need and any medications that are needed. The tube in my neck is called a
direct line in my case my veins were not well and kept collapsing. I needed one place in my neck in my jugular vein.
January 29th |
This is a picture my husband felt he needed it was about 9 hours after my surgery |
The one on my right side the small thin one is to drain a pocket that was left from my old ileostomy.
The big one on my left side is the catheter to drain my bial also know as stool. It is sewn into the stomach so it does not
fall out.The strip down my tummy is called packing it is just there to keep stuff out. It does not hurt to have it changed.
My tummy |
This is a picture of my stomach right after my surgery there were to many tubes. |
This picture is just like the first one. But here you can see how swollen you get.
Don't worry it does go away.Just takes time.The other thing I forgot to mention was the I.V is used
for the PCA pump.You will control your pain with the use of a PCA pump. (Patient controlled analgestic pump) An epidural is
also offered that is when a catheter is inserted into the back and medicine is inserted in.The PCA pump is what you use to
control your pain it must have been invented from someone that was tired of waiting for the nurses on busy days.The epidural
is another way to manage pain but will not lie is a little painful while getting it. But will reduce your pain also when you
awaken.This picture is just like the first one. But here you can see how swollen you get. Don't worry it does go away.
Just takes time. The other thing I forgot to mention was the IV is used for the PCA pump. You will control your pain with
the use of a PCA pump. (Patient controlled analgestic pump) An epidural is also offered that is when a catheter is inserted
into the back and medicine is inserted in. The PCA pump is what you use to control your pain it must have been invented from
someone that was tired of waiting for the nurses on busy days. The epidural is another way to manage pain but will not lie
is a little painful while getting it. But will reduce your pain also when you awaken.
5 hours after surgery |
As you can see your body swells quite a bit. But it does go away |
This picture shows me sitting up I think this was my 2nd or 3rd day after surgery. They give you
a blanket to help with the pain of coughing. You press it to your tummy when you feel the need to cough. I found it just made
me feel more secure having it against my tummy.
Oh Gosh do I have to walk that far? |
The 2nd or 3rd day trying to sit and cough. |
Walking is a task the first few times but it gets easier. The nurses or your spouse have to walk
right beside you the first few times also. It is painful I will not lie but like I said it gets easier.
My first walk with a BCIR |
It was more painful then it looked |
This is just before I got to go home they cleaned me all up and now you can see some of the stuff
a little better.
Cleaned up |
My first dressing change made things look nicer |
This picture looks worse then it actually is. Heres the deal it does hurt but
it is only the stitch that causes the pain from pulling. This was my 2 month check up this was the big day top have the tube
removed and to do the drains all by myself. The stitch is cut away and the tube is pulled out.
This is my little friend his name was tubbie |
This is the tube that is left in your tummy for up to 6 weeks to drain stool |
Now once again it looks painful but not as much as it seems. The hole you see
is called the STOMA meaning mouth. This is your small intestines pulled through to your stomach surface. This allows you to
insert the catheter to drain your internal pouch. The scars around the stoma are from the stitches to keep it open and to
keep the tubes in. This hole will never close unless it is sewn shut. But first the small intestine needs to be removed from
it. Belive me when I say your stomach will un swell. It just takes a few weeks.
Tube removed |
This is right after the tube comes out. Your stomach is still swollen from the surgery |
This picture tells it all itself. This is the band aid I use to cover my stoma. It is a knee and
elbow band aid with a piece of 2x2 gauze underneath it. It would wonders but there is other options. Stoma caps and plain
old gauze could be used depending on your liquid output from the stoma opening.
Bandaid |
I used a basic knee and elbow band aid to cover my stoma with a 2X2 under it to collect the mucus |
Things I enjoy now |
I love being able to go out and do things I have never done before or even thought of doing. |
This is me in Aug. trying out paintball 20 minutes later I was in a game running my butt off
praying I was not gonna get hit. But when I did it was ok not as painful as I thoght it would be. Now I love paintball
and it makes me feel great..
The 2 pictures below are from when I had my ileostomy. The big pink
thingy is the stoma that is how your stool comes out.Then it goes though into a pouch.
The rash was caused from a bad allergy from the pectin in the products.
This is Why I wanted the B.C.I.R |

This is an allergy due to the products used in the waffers that stick to the skin |
The dark pink area is called the stoma. |

The ring is from the allergies |